

Research Interest

My research interests primarily revolve around the design of deep learning and privacy-preserving algorithms aimed at addressing critical societal challenges. Currently, I am actively engaged in the development of innovative deep generative models to enhance the accuracy, reliability, and security of recommendation systems and educational technologies.



  • Walker Joojo, Fengli Zhang, Ting Zhong, Fan Zhou, and E. Y. Baagyere, Variational Cold-start Resistant Recommendation, Information Sciences (JCR Q1 Journal, IF: 8.1)
  • Walker Joojo, Zhang F, Zhou F, Zhong T. Social-trust-aware variational recommendation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems; 2021; 1-29. (JCR Q1 Journal, IF:7.0)
  • Walker Joojo, F. Zhou, E. Y. Baagyere, E. Ahene, and F. Zhang, Implicit Optimal Variational Collaborative Filtering, Complex & Intelligent Systems (JCR Q2 Journal, IF: 5.8)
  • Emmanuel Ahene, Walker Joojo, Rose-mary Owusuaa Mensah Gyening, Gaddafi Abdul-Salaam, James Ben Hayfron-Acquah, Heterogeneous Signcryption with Proxy Re-encryption and its Application in EHR Systems, Telecommunication Systems. (JCR Q3 Journal, IF: 2.5)
  • Emmanuel Ahene, Walker Joojo, Ikram Ali, Kwame Ofosuhene Peasah, Michael Asante, Efficient Deniable Authentication and its Application in Location-based Services, Computers and Electrical Engineering. (JCR Q2 Journal, IF: 4.3)
  • Adu, K., Walker Joojo, Mensah, P.K. et al. SqueezeCapsNet: Enhancing capsule networks with squeezenet for holistic medical and complex images, Multimedia Tools and applications.(JCR Q3 Journal, IF: 3.6)
  • J. Sun, S. Hu, X. Nie and Walker Joojo, Efficient Ranked Multi-Keyword RetrievalWith Privacy Protection for Multiple Data Owners in Cloud Computing, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1728-1739, June 2020, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2933346. (JCR Q2 Journal, IF: 4.4)
  • Ahene E, Ofori-Oduro M, Twum F, Walker Joojo, Missah YM., Efficient Authentication Protocol and Its Application in Resonant Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Systems. Sensors. 2021; 21(24):8245. (JCR Q2 Journal, IF: 3.9)


  • Walker Joojo, Zhong T, Gao Q, Zhou F, Zhang F, Recommendation via Collaborative Diffusion Generative Model. 15th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2022); 2022; 1-14. (CORE RANK B)
  • Zhangtao Cheng, Walker Joojo, Ting Zhong, Fan Zhou, Modeling Multi-View Interactions with Contrastive Graph Learning for Collaborative Filtering, IEEE IJCNN 2022 (CORE RANK A)
  • Zhangtao Cheng, Ting Zhong, Kunpeng Zhang, Walker Joojo, Fan Zhou, Learning Contrastive Multi-View Graphs for Recommendation, AAAI 2022 Student Program (CORE RANK A+)

Preprints, Workshops & Technical Reports

  • Ting Zhong, Guanyu Wang, Walker Joojo, Kunpeng Zhang, Fan Zhou, Variational Autoencoder with Copula for Collaborative Filtering, 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning Practice for High-Dimensional Sparse Data with KDD, DLP-KDD, 2021; 1-4. (CORE RANK A+ Workshop)

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